I am a Sr. Software Developer at Oracle Cloud. The opinions expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my employer.
Storing ephemeral data in Redis
Usually our applications have a DB (MySQL, Postgres, etc) that we use to permanently store information about our users and other records. But there are also situations where we need to temporary store data used by a background process. This data might be structured very differently and would not fit into our relational DB.
Recently we were doing large scale analysis in our system (built on Rails 4.2 framework) to determine which users might have duplicate records. Long story why we have such records but I assure you there is a legitimate reason. What we needed was a process that would flag likely duplicates so humans could make a decision on whether to merge them or not.
As “unique” identifier for likely users we decided to use combination of “first_name last_name”. Obviously we knew that there would be many false positives but this was a starting point. In reality our business logic was much more complex but I am omitting many confidential details.
We decided to use Redis to store the ephemeral data as we were running the analysis. For that we created a Redis connection with separate key namespace ‘record_match’.
# config/initializers/redis.rb
redis_conn = Redis.new(host: Rails.application.config.redis_host, port: 6379, db: 0, driver: :hiredis)
REDIS_RM = Redis::Namespace.new('record_match', redis: redis_conn )
We created a PORO service object.
# app/services/record_match_service.rb
class RecordMatchService
def perform
REDIS_RM.del("*") # cleanup before just in case
REDIS_RM.del("*") # cleanup after
def compare_records
def remove_uniques
def process_results
One issue to be aware of is REDIS_RM.del("*")
will cause problems if there are 2 separate analysis processes running at the same time.
First we loop through all user records creating “unique” first and last name combinations. Then we use Redis SET datatype to store user IDs. SET guarantees uniqueness of its members.
def compare_records
User.all.each do |user|
key = [user.first_name, user.last_name].join(' ').downcase
member = user.id
REDIS_RM.sadd(key, member)
Results will look like this when stored in Redis:
KEY 'john smith', MEMBERS [id1, id2, id3] # potential dupes
KEY 'mary jones', MEMBERS [id4] # unique user
Now we go through Redis keys and delete them if there is only 1 user ID in the SET (unique records). This could be combined with process_results
to make code a little faster (no need to loop through all Redis keys and check SET size).
def remove_uniques
REDIS_RM.keys.each do |key|
REDIS_RM.del(key) if REDIS_RM.scard(key).to_i == 1
Then we loop through remaining keys and members in the SETs to create potential match
records in the main DB. These potential match
records will go through the manual review process and corresponding user records could then be merged (or not). All MEMBERS in each SET need unique comparisons to each other. SET with key john smith
and members [id1, id2, id3]
will become 3 separate records comparing id1 to id2
, id1 to id3
and id2 to id3
def process_results
REDIS_RM.keys.each do |key|
while REDIS_RM.scard(key).to_i > 1
# => grab random member from the SET
user1_id = REDIS_RM.spop(key)
# => loop through remaining members in the SET
REDIS_RM.smembers(key).each do |user2_id|
PotentialMatch.create_match(user1_id: user1_id, user2_id: user2_id)
We store the user ID comparisons in the main DB is because that dataset is much smaller in size so it does not take very long to persist to disk . Plus we want to use relational DB validations and the data structure fits into our DB model.
class PotentialMatch < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user1, class_name: 'User', index: true, inverse_of: nil
belongs_to :user2, class_name: 'User', index: true, inverse_of: nil
def self.create_match (user1_id: user2_id:)
# logic to check if this record already exists
# create records in main DB for human review
And we wrap RecordMatchService
into RecordMatchJob
with ActiveJob and Sidekiq. Even with fast Redis data structures the process can still take many minutes to run.
class RecordMatchJob < ApplicationJob
queue_as :low
def perform
Here are the various Ruby gems we used:
# Gemfile
gem 'redis'
gem 'hiredis'
gem 'redis-namespace'
gem 'readthis'
The examples above do not go deep into actual details but instead focus on the usage of Redis and its flexible and fast data structures.