Ruby on Rails has patterns for ApplicationRecord, ApplicationMailer, ApplicationJob, etc. Other gems follow this approach. Pundit has ApplicationPolicy and ActiveModelSerializers has AppliciationSerializer.

In post about Rails concerns I shared examples on how to extract common logic into modules. This post is about using base classes to DRY our code. We can extend Application* pattern to other gems and our own classes. Draper does not have ApplicationDecorator but we can create one.

# app/decorators/application_decorator.rb
class ApplicationDecorator < Draper::Decorator
# app/decorators/user_decorator.rb
class UserDecorator < ApplicationDecorator

Additonally our applications can have other POROs for forms, service objects, validators, etc. Where needed we can create those base Application* classes and inherit from them.

# app/forms/application_form.rb
class ApplicationForm
  include ActiveModel::Model
class UserRegisterForm < ApplicationForm

At the end of the day this is just basic object oriented inheritance, use it where it makes sense. But this pattern makes things easy to follow.