I am a Sr. Software Developer at Oracle Cloud. The opinions expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my employer.
Logging important info
As we build websites they hopefully grow in functionality and usage. It becomes important to log appropriate information so you can later investigate issues in case something goes wrong. Greping multiple log files across many servers is quite time consuming so services like Logentries and Loggly can be helpful. Or you can roll your own with Fluentd or https://github.com/le0pard/mongodb_logger. But sometimes you just need something simple for a very specific need. Here is how I recently solved it at work in our Rails 4.1 app.
Created separate log file using https://github.com/lulalala/multi_logger
Created ErrorMailer (just a simple ActionMailer) with method internal_notification (no need for templates).
class ErrorMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default to: 'dev_team@company.com'
default from: 'prod_alert@company.com'
def internal_notification(subject, body)
# send email here
Created ErrorLog model with the following fields: object, method, record, exception, message (we are using MongoDB but this would work for other databases).
Created a ErrorLogService service object (PORO).
class ErrorLogService
def self.log_errors(object, method, record, exception, message, send_email=false)
record = record.try(:to_json)
ErrorLog.create(object: object, method: method, record: record, exception: exception, message: message)
if send_email
email_subject = "#{object} #{method}"
email_body = "#{record} \n #{exception} \n #{message}"
ErrorMailer.internal_notification(email_subject, email_body)
Rails.logger.important.error "#{object} #{method} \n #{record} \n #{exception} \n #{message}"
rescue Exception => e
Then in various places in my code where I do error/exception handling I simply call ErrorLogService.log_errors passing appropriate parameters.
# record - the actual model data at that point in time
# exception - if there was an exception, sometimes it's nil
msg = 'custom message with some useful information'
ErrorLogService.log_errors self.class.name, __method__, record, nil, msg
You can build simple web interface (we use RailsAdmin) to view contents of ErrorLog model and see which object and method cause the error, what was the exception, when it occurred (created_at timestamp), etc. Having the data in that point in time also helps with investigations. And you can even train your business users how to use this information to solve simpler issues.
For especially important issues I can choose to send notification email to the dev team. And information is also written in the log files on the server (just in case). Obviously you want to use this feature to log ONLY important messages, you don’t want to this ErrorLog table cluttered with trivial stuff.
There are many equivalents to the specific gems I listed above in Ruby or other languages. Feel free to try.